Thursday, November 7, 2013

Never Be Afraid To ASK!

image 05 ask question

Question: Why is it so important to understand the power of asking? Me: When we were young we totally understood this power however; as we grew older we for some reason lost this power. As children, when we wanted something, no matter what is it was we asked! Whether it was asking for a piece of candy, a toy, or to go somewhere; no matter what is was we asked. We used this power of asking despite what the response was. For example, even my own children ask for things and when the response was no; they kept asking, and asking, and asking. This is a very power lesson for us as adults should learn from children.
For some reason (and I will try my best to explain why) we began to associate fear with asking for something we wanted. For example, on our jobs when want a day off we had to ask our bosses. But, before we go into his or her office or filled out paperwork a small thought in our mind would say, “What if he or she says no?” This little thought eventually grew in which we on some occasions talk ourselves out of asking.

This is the same this that happens in our Network Marketing business. We know that the only way to become successful is to ask; yet the ones who are not successful or struggling are the ones who are afraid to ask. When I meet someone who is struggling in Network Marketing, the first question (once I identify what area they are struggling with) is, “Are you asking?” The majority of the time the answer is, “No, what if they say no?” My next response is, “What if they say yes?” Then a confused look is created on their face because this thought never came across their minds. What if they thought about, "What if they say yes?" You see, the fear of rejection and hearing no is so strong during the asking process that we forget about hearing a yes.

Question: If asking is so important, how often show we use this power?

Me: All the time and every chance you get. Why!? Because this business is completely about timing. The saying in Real Estate is, “location, location, location” In Network Marketing its, “timing, timing, timing” You never know when someone is ready to either buy from you or join your team. We can’t predict future and we can’t read another person’s mind, so we will never know when timing is right for them until we ask. I would further say that we should constantly ask, even if the response from the other person in no. Life happens to us all. You may ask a person to take a look at joining you business in the morning and he or she tells you no. But, you decided to leave them information about your business. They go home and receive a letter in the mail about a bill that is overdue and make the decision that enough is enough because their job is not paying them enough money. So, now they decide to take a look at you then join you. You would have never discovered this if you didn’t at least ask. What am I asking you to do......ALWAYS BE ASKING!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

My Excuse Is I QUIT!!

Have you ever heard this before or have you said this before. Well, I bet you have; in fact most people have. Who do you think you are quitting on? Is it the company, the company’s system, or even the people in the company? Guess what, do you really want to know who you are truly quitting on?


Yes, you are quitting you. People who quit only quit because they have truly lost focus on the reason why that got involved with whatever it is they are quitting on. Then, they use excuses to justify that reason. Here is my definition of the word excuses. Excuses Are Modified Lies That People Use To Make Themselves Feel Good About NOT Doing Something That They Should Be Doing!! Watch this video to obtain a better understanding of what it means to quit and give excuses…….

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

True Leaders Take Action NOW


If you show me a people who is successful in business then I would tell you that this same person took action right away. This action may have took years to produce a successful business however; immediate action was taken. It could have been in the form of taking the necessary steps to build their business or the process of learning how to build their business. It doesn’t matter because some form of action was taken. What do I mean when I say this? Well, not everyone who is successful in business jumped right out the gate doing all of the necessary requirements needed to develop a successful business. I am talking about advertising, prospecting, making phone calls, and things such as this that will help to grow their business successfully. Instead, another form of immediate action may have been taken place. This form of action is the learning and preparing process on how to build their business the proper way.

Have you ever heard the story of the Chinese bamboo tree? This tree takes an astonishing four years to just break through the ground. However, when it does, guess what happens? In the fifth year takes a short five weeks to grow over 90 feet tall! So, my question to you is, “How long does it take for the Chinese bamboo tree to grow 90 feet?” Some people may say only five weeks. Well, the true answer is four years and five weeks. I can hear you saying, “But Gary it didn’t break through the grow for the first four years. How is that growing?” You are absolutely correct however; during that time it was stiil taking action. This action was the preparing to grow stage.The Chinese bamboo tree needs special care during those four years or it will not grow properly.

This is has happened to most top successful leaders in Network Marketing. They took years preparing themselves and when the opportunity presented itself..BAM!!! They started to see success!! Unfortunately, most people who see these successful leaders only see them after their success has occurred, but never during the growing and preparing process. What is my point for writing this blog? I want you to walk away knowing that your success in your Network Marketing company may not happen right away or overnight. However, if you begin to take action now and even if that action is learning all you can on how to develop a successful business; in time you will begin to develop the successful business you truly want. So, TAKE ACTION NOW!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Have You Been On Facebook Today!?

     I know the answer is YES. Then, why not use Facebook to help you grow your business. Most people use Facebook to play games or check up on what other people are doing. However, I use Facebook to help grow my home business.

   Facebook is the #1 most visited website in the world. I believe it is visited more than Google. Large companies know this and that is why they are using Facebook to grow their businesses by attracting leads, potential customers, & potential recruits.
   Gary, I have something special for you. I stumbled across this Facebook training course that has helped me add new customers & recruits into my business. Here's the best part of all, it's only $2.95!! That's right for less than three dollars you can have access to a training course that can help you have a better Facebook experience that will help you grow your business.

   Please take advantage of this powerful training course. You never know, you may learn something that you didn’t know before that will help you attract the next six-figure income earner on you business team. So, join me on the other side by clicking here.

Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Greedy vs. The Needy

     I have heard it say over and over from serious Network Marketers that they wish or can’t wait until they recruit someone on their business team who has the same attitude and work ethic that they do. I also know one top leader in Network Marketing who would often say, “If everyone on my business team thought and worked like I do how much more money would I be making today?” His statement is 150% correct! Most serious Network Marketers recruit people onto their business who in the beginning just want to make extra money. You have to recruit a lot of people before you encounter a recruit who is truly serious about using his or her business opportunity as a vehicle for financial freedom. This determination is based on his or her attitude, and work ethic. 

     So, how do we find the person who is willing to use their business opportunity in their Network Marketing Company as vehicle for financial freedom? I believe this can best be answered by what type of people you are looking for. I prefer to look for a greedy person instead of a needy person. 

What Are You Serious Gary!?!? Yes, Indeed I Am!!!!

     Growing up most of us was taught that being greedy is a bad thing. However, I would say that this depends on how you look at who’s being greedy and for what reason. For example, most of us have heard the story of BernieMadoff, and how he swindled a lot of people in a Ponzi Scheme. Now, this fella was as greedy as they come, but in an evil way. The type of greedy person I am talking about is the person who is not comfortable in their situation and is willing to pay the price to achieve more. However, they DO NOT hurt others in their pursuit of what they want. 

     I hope this is making some type of sense, if not, and then maybe this can help. I had a full-time job in law enforcement in which I was making close to $100,000 a year. Now, to some people that is a lot of money. To me at the time it was however; there was one major flaw; no time freedom. So, me being the “greedy” person I am, I choose to leave that profession so I could have the opportunity to make more than the money the law enforcement job was paying me, but also with time freedom. This is the type of greedy person that I am talking about. A person who is willing to whatever price it takes to get what he or she deserves or what they truly want.

     Why is this so different from a needy person? A needy person is a person who needs this opportunity because their current finances are in average or below average situation in which they could use the extra money or a career change. However, they are completely not willing to do the work necessary to change their current situation. They are always complaining that they need or want more, but when it comes time to do the work they are constantly MIA (missing in action.) This person is what I consider to be a needy person and I prefer to work with a greedy person versus a needy person any day of the week.

     So, if you want to grow a successful Network Marketing business then focus on searching for greedy people versus needy people. In one of my future blogs I will show how to identify greedy people who are willing to pay the necessary price to win in business. Subscribe to my blogs so you don’t miss out.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Stop Begging!!

     Have you ever seen someone create an ad that sounds like this, “I need three people to join my team so I can receive a promotion?” In Network Marketing this is SO BAD FOR YOUR BUSINESS!!! WHY!?!? Because it makes you sound and look desperate. True professionals in any business NEVER beg clients to join them in business. Because they know that if they have to beg them to join them they will always have to beg them to do something. What do I mean? They will have to beg them to sell the company’s products and/or services. They will have to beg them to attend all trainings. Then, they will be begging them to not quit.

     I have seen this over and over and it happens the same way every time. Yes, by begging people to join your business to hit a goal may get people to join you and you may hit that goal. However, they will never stay long-term because they joined you only because you wanted them to; not because they wanted to. I hope this makes sense. The bottom line is when you beg people to join you or buy from you they may do for now, but they rarely stay or continue to buy. People have to take ownership of the joining or buying process; NOT YOU! 

     Another important reason why you should never beg people to join you in order for you to hit a goal is because it is morally wrong. People join Network Marketing companies in the hopes of changing their lives financially. When you USE them for your purposes you are doing nothing but deceiving them and this is so WRONG!! I have often stated that people walk around with an invisible shirt that reads, “Make Me Feel Special.” When you use them for your gain this completely doesn’t make them feel special; it makes them feel used. NO ONE WANTS TO FEEL USED!!! 

     In conclusion, whoever is giving you this BAD advice to hit an immediate goal; PLEASE STOP!!! This will never work long-term or last long-term, and I believe that you are in your current Network Marketing company for long-term money versus short-term gain. If this is true please stop it NOW!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

What You Can Learn From the Best of the Best

     Building a Network Marketing business can be hard, but not difficult. I believe that the best way to build your Network Marketing business is to follow the ones who are already successful in Network Marketing. I call it being a “Master Copy-Cat.” Why Not!!?? I would prefer to follow those who are “doing-it” or have “done-it.” Most of the mistakes have been made already ensuring you a much easier path to success in your Network Marketing business.

 Here are ten powerful tips from some of the best of the best in Network Marketing:

1)      Treat Your Business As A Business! This is so powerful and true. Most people who are not successful or not advance in their business are because they are not treating it as a business they are treating it as a hobby. When you treat your business as a hobby it will pay you as a hobby. You should ALWAYS know your numbers and your business team’s numbers. Let your company’s back office be your best friend and business partner. 

2)      Work Your Business Part-Time or Full-Time, But Never SOMETIMES! I would go further to say that if you have a full-time job then you should work your business part-time. However, you should work it with a full-time mentality and full-time activity. If you have a part-time job, then you should work your business full-time with a full-time mentality and full-time activity. 

3)      Always Have A Full Calendar! Have a daily routine, and a weekly routine. These routines should always include ways to advertise, prospect, follow-up, train, learn, and build your business. 

4)      The Most Important Investment You Should Make Is In You! Always seek positive personal self development. What are you listening to on a daily basis? What are you reading on a daily basis? You should always be doing something each and every day to help increase your positive personal development. 

5)      Duplicate Yourself! You should never go anywhere alone; you should always bring teammates with you. This is so they can learn what you are doing and then teach it to others. I have an acronym for this, it’s called WDMD. This means, “What Duplicates Makes Dollars.” Powerful Right!? You should always be teaching and sharing with your team. This helps you grow your business and also helps them grow their business.

6)      Have A Servant’s Heart! Strive to build long lasting relationships with your business team. Always be willing to help them by going above and beyond. However, this should only be if they are willing to do what they should do to succeed. You can’t help those who are not willing to make the necessary sacrifices to business THEIR business. Always remember that people will quit on a boss quicker than a friend.

7)      Master Prospectors Know That They Have Not Found The Highest Income Earner On Their Team Yet! They know that this is especially true if they stop looking. 

8)      Communication and Consistency Are King! You can never communicate enough and you cannot do too much when building your business. 

9)      Never Stop Believing! You should never stop believing in the network marketing industry, your company, your teammates, and especially in yourself.

10)   Make Time To Celebrate and HAVE FUN! You should celebrate every victory big and small. In addition, you should always have fun. You are designing your future. This should be a very exciting process; enjoy it.

I hope these ten tips help build a successful Network Marketing business